These Linux myths need to die

Jonathan MathewsUncategorized

These Linux myths need to die

A Reddit user recently started a thread in which they asked which myths and misconceptions about Linux annoy users the most.

The post spawned a lively discussion with points being raised for and against Linux.

The prominent myths raised in the Reddit thread, along with several which have been doing the rounds for a while, are listed below.

Linux is developed by volunteer programmers

This creates the impression that Linux distributions are not high-quality software, which is not true.

While there are many developers who work on free and open source software in their own time, there are many developers working on Linux who do so professionally.

Linux is unsupported

When this myth is brought up, it feels like a catch-all for the idea that human resources focussed on Linux are rare and costly.

If you’re looking for professional third-party support, companies like Canonical, Red Hat, and SUSE are available.

You must do everything in the command line

Many Linux users prefer the command line for certain tasks, but popular distributions are built around graphical desktop environments.

Software such as web browsers, image editors, video and music players, and office suites work in much the same way as on Windows and MacOS.

Linux is only free if your time has no value

This quote from Jamie Zawinski dates back to 1998.

Linux distributions have become much easier to install and update since then.

Linux is for everyone

Just because Linux can address an array of home and corporate needs does not mean it’s for everyone.

Sometimes it’s a matter of preference, software support, or business realities – but a Linux distribution is not necessarily the best operating system in every situation.

Linux sucks for gaming

While Windows is certainly the path of least resistance when it comes to PC gaming, playing video games on Linux is not the mess it once was.

Thanks to support from companies like Valve, the number of titles available on Linux has exploded.

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